Sunday 9 December 2012

Role Of SCUBA Diving Gear In Technical And Recreational Diving

Diving can be Recreational or Technical. Diving in Arctic and Tropical Waters is classified as Technical and Recreational Diving respectively. It is a fact that the selection of Diving Gear is based on the specifics one is going to do, whether it is for Recreational purpose or to gain some Technical Diving knowledge skills.
Generally, the Scuba gear can be classified into different options like Scuba Systems, Mask & Snorkel, Fins and Gloves. Other kinds of instruments used are a Dive Computer, Submersible Pressure Gauge, Compass and much more. Accessories also used are the Torch, Dive Reels, Underwater Camera and Marker Buoys.
Through this article, we will come to know about the role of essential Scuba Diving Gear in different forms of Diving. Please go through this article and know about such Gear n detail.
Scuba Systems
Scuba Systems are composed of different parts including Regulators, Tanks, Weight, Buoyancy Control Devices and also BCD inflation systems. The Scuba Systems are the most useful underwater breathing equipment that helps Divers to gain enough breathing gas at the ambient pressure. This is due to the essential role and advantages of this device that make it useful for other professional diving options.
Exposure Protection Devices
Whether it is for Technical or Recreation Diving, the Exposure Protection Devices play an important role. It is found that extra exposure to high levels of sound can cause one to suffer a loss of hearing abilities. This is why to offer good hearing protection; the Exposure Protection Devices are available with leading Online Diving Gear Suppliers.
With reference to Hearing Protection, the Dry Suit Hoods are designed with porous material to dampen higher frequencies.
Air Tanks & Weights
The Air Tanks are made from aluminum or steel to hold air properly at high pressure. In terms of usage, Recreational and Technical Divers can use 1-2 tanks and 2-3 tanks respectively. And weights are used to maintain the buoyancy and also to support divers in moving downward properly.

Submersible Pressure Gauges are devices that are designed to monitor Depth/Time/Deco status conveniently inside the water. The Gauges can be seen available as Large, Medium and Thin sizes.
Along with the above discussed ones, each and every small or large dive equipment plays a crucial role in Recreational and Technical Diving. Experienced Diving Experts always consider the equipment is to be used in the right way by the Divers.
Diving Locker offers Advanced PADI scuba training along with various dive equipments online including Scuba Diving Gear to support Technical and Recreational Diving choices of individuals in Vancouver, BC.

Sea Safe: 5 Tips for a Proper, Eco-Friendly Dive

1. Don't touch or pick up anything, except for trash.

It's important to know that apart from being the home and breeding ground of fish, coral reefs are highly sensitive living creatures. Touching them, or even worse, picking them up will not only damage the corals but part of the ecosystem, as well. So, just be content with taking photos of these corals - and only pick up trash that may destroy them, if you ever encounter any.
2. Don't step on them, either.
Reiterating the point made above, stepping on coral reefs can seriously damage them. To avoid these situations, make sure to use only the weight needed when diving, and always keep afloat through the right buoyancy control measures. Snorkelers should also wear float-coats while adjusting gear to prevent stepping on corals and other inhabitants on the ocean floor.
3. Go with a certified dive instructor.
This is especially important for novices, because the instructor will teach you the proper way to dive or snorkel. This ensures not only your safety, but also the safety of the marine creatures surrounding you. One certification to check for is from the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI), which is allied with various marine conservation groups.
4. Choose the right accommodation for your diving trip.
Don't just choose between the amenities offered by either a 5-star or a cheap beach resort in Batangas. Make sure to check if the establishment you're considering have implemented earth-friendly practices. One such example is Eagle Point Resort in Anilao, home to an area where around 30,000 seedlings of endemic forest trees were planted to provide a habitat for migrating birds. The resort's main building is also made from repurposed hardwood sourced from a hundred-year-old house in Manila, minimizing the wood needed for its construction.
5. Practice sustainable living daily.
Remember that even if you go on an eco-friendly vacation for months, that is still easily offset by years and years of wasteful living back home. After all, that trash you may have picked up on a dive may not have necessarily come from an irresponsible beach-goer - it may have come from further inland. So, adopt the good earth-friendly practices that you've learned from your stay at the best resort in Batangas, and help make the world a better place.
Clara Buenconsejo is an avid traveler and freelance writer for different travel websites, creating city guides and how-to articles for commuting in different parts of the world. She graduated with a degree in creative writing just a few years ago. Her life mission is to set foot on at least 6 out of 7 continents.

How to Have Incredible Adventures and Enjoy Something New

If you ever feel a sense of cabin fever about your life and that things are a little more boring than you would like then this can be a very disconcerting feeling that nags at you until you do something about it. We watch films and read books partly because we want a little bit of escapism from our daily routine, but also often to get a sense of adventure that is sourly lacking in our regular lives. We evolved in the wild where we would spend most of our time tracking down our prey and fighting them with sticks and home-made weaponry, and would have spent the rest of our time scaling cliffs and running through jungle. Life should be more like that if you want to avoid going crazy and you need to make sure that you have at least some adventure in your life. Here we will look at how you can do this and how you can get that real feeling of excitement that many of us are lacking.
Discover Something New
One of the most important aspects of any 'adventure' is the sense of discovery that comes from finding something new or seeing an entirely new view. When you come over the top of a mountain and see an incredible view of a land you've never seen before then that's living and it will give you that feeling of discovery and awe.
One way to do this is simply to travel, but to get the real sense of wonder you need to travel to the places that are a little less typical and a little more unique. For instance you might want to visit an exciting vibrant city with a new culture such as Hong Kong or Tokyo, or you might want to visit the desert made entirely out of salt. It exists... go find it!
Another way to discover something completely unlike anything you've seen before is to head underwater. Under the sea is an entire world that looks completely alien and is completely unlike anything we have above ground. Dive into caves, see unusual sea creatures, and look at bizarre plant life and you will feel like you're touching down on an alien planet. Really quite incredible. Most resorts will offer you some kind of diving opportunity though you will need to do lessons and get certification first in order to be allowed to dive. It's cheap though and it's something anyone can do.
You can also discover something new in your own home in some cases and this is possible for anyone with a little scientific curiosity. Science really is discovery and adventure and it's pioneering into things we previously never understood. If you can get yourself a telescope and look at the moon in exquisite detail then this can really feel like an adventure.
The other aspect of adventure for some people is adrenaline and that means hurtling down a mountain or falling through the air. To experience this make sure you don't just go on holiday but that you do something there whether that means renting a go-kart or going mountain biking.

Scuba Diving in Lake Malawi, One of the Best Fresh Water Diving Locations in the World

As the sun bakes down upon the glistening surface of Lake Malawi, three divers emerge close to the rocky outcrop of Masimwbe Island, a dive site off Likoma Island in Lake Malawi. Bursting with excitement they return to the boat, remove their kit and discuss the fish they spotted on the short journey back to shore. With unspoilt white beaches and pure blue water stretching as far as the eye can see, you continually remind yourself that you are not diving in the Caribbean, but in the 3rd largest lake in Africa. Together with over 1000 different species of Cichlid fish, as well as cat fish and even otters, it is no wonder Lake Malawi has been cited as one of the best fresh water diving locations in the world.
Malawi is a landlocked country in the Southern Region of Africa and is bordered by Tanzania to the north, Zambia to the west and Mozambique to the east and south. The landscape is dominated along its eastern side by the third largest Lake in Africa, and the ninth largest in the world. Lake Malawi is known as the Lake of Stars, due to its impressive ability to mirror the star's constellations at night in its crystal clear fresh waters. The lake is of substantial importance to the country not only as a means of transport but also as a source of both food and water. As a Scuba diver, its significance lays in its remarkable abundance of different fish species- making it the most biologically diverse fresh water environment in the world.
Lake Malawi contains a greater variety of indigenous species (around 1000) of Cichlid fishes than any other lake. Researchers have identified over 500 species to date that are endemic to Lake Malawi, which is more than all of the freshwater species found in all the waters of both Europe and North America. The Cichlids of Lake Malawi, perhaps even more so than the Cichlids from the other two rift lakes, Victoria and Tanganyika, are brightly coloured and patterned. Cichlids have evolved from a single common species into the hundreds found today, coexisting within the lake ecosystem. The variable species have developed differential feeding techniques to maximise productivity. Some species have developed teeth specialized in scraping algae from the rocks, or aquatic plants. Others use a sand filtration technique to sieve aquatic animals or invertebrates from the sand. Also found are species specialised in snail, plant and fish consumption.
One of the most fascinating phenomena seen on dives is the protective nature of the mouthbreeders, made famous in the BBC documentary series 'Planet Earth'. The Cichlids of Lake Malawi are among a relatively small number of fishes that look after and protect their offspring. The mothers carry their eggs and fry in their mouths until the juveniles are large enough to fend for themselves. Even at this stage, in many species, the baby fry remain close to their mother in a tight shoal when at the first sign of predatory danger, she opens her mouth and the whole brood are taken in for safety. In the case of many of the mouthbreeders, the males exhibit no parental care; after spawning, they move on to find another female. Often divers can see the males dig large spawning pits- large round craters - in the sand, at water depths of around 2-20 meters (6-65 feet), in order to attract further females.
Other species in Lake Malawi have developed some very unique hunting adaptations, which make them fun to observe whilst diving. At least two species lure small fish within range by feigning death and lying motionless in the sand! These have been given the nickname of "The play-dead fish." One of the largest fish that can be seen whilst diving is the Kampango. Growing up to 2m in length, the Kampango is a large, territorial and predatory catfish endemic to Lake Malawi, occurring from the lower reaches of rivers to the deepest habitable parts of the lake. A nocturnal predator, it feeds largely on smaller cichlids. Juveniles mainly feed on eggs released by the female, and when slightly older, the male helps the young in searching for invertebrates in and around the nesting site, which both parents will defend. If you are lucky enough to find a catfish pair with babies, you will see perfectly formed miniature catfish - up to 80 of them in one nest! The Kampango is inquisitive and will approach divers entering its territory, particularly when breeding.
Lake Malawi is a fresh water environment; as a result there is no coral growth on the reefs. However, that doesn't mean to say there is no plant life. Lake Malawi boasts an endemic genus and species of freshwater sponge, Malawispongia echinoides. This little colonial animal occurs nowhere else on earth.
About one third of the lakes' coast is rocky, which is home to the vegetarian cichlids, the Mbuna, as well as the occasional fresh water eel. These underwater rock formations make for stunning dive sites including countless swim throughs and drop-off walls. The rest of the coastline is characterised by sandy beaches and bottoms. This is where the majority of the open-water piscivores (eat other fish), called Haps, dwell. A few Cichlid species inhabit the muddy and weed-strewn bottom where larger rivers flow into the lake.
Lake Malawi is unusual in that it does not have tides or significantly strong currents, making it a perfect environment for open water training. Diving is possible all year round. However, between August and November, the lake is at its calmest, with very little wind. Water temperatures can rise up to 30 Degrees Celsius during this time, with visibility as good as 20 metres. With these conditions, 3-5mm wetsuits with little or no weight systems are perfectly suitable in this freshwater paradise. Given that Lake Malawi sits at nearly 500m above sea level, special procedures are required when diving at altitude.
Night diving is certainly regarded as a unique experience in the lake. Dolphin fish, resembling nothing like their names sake, can be seen using the torch light of divers to facilitate an easy meal. Numerous different catfish can also be seen rising from the depths of their daytime lairs in search of food. In the shallower waters a plethora of blue crabs can be found on the sandy bottom, whilst a sharp eye can spot tiny fresh water shrimp located in and around the rocky boulders.
For those days that divers prefer to stay topside there is always something to do on Lake Malawi. Kaya Mawa, an award-winning lodge on Likoma Island, offers activities for its guests, such as sailing, kayaks, bicycles, waterskiing and wakeboarding, round island boat trips and quad bike tours. For the 2012 season, Malawi's first Kite-surfing school has also opened. For those keen on birdwatching, Lake Malawi is a haven for hundreds of species. If you are lucky, you might spot the crimson-rumped waxbill, found only on Likoma Island, or the Majestic Fish Eagle, swooping down to catch it's prey.
There are several international airlines that fly into Malawi, including South African Airways, Kenyan Airways, Air Malawi and Ethiopian Airways. Internal transport is possible by bus, taxi, rental car, internal flight companies (Ulendo Airlink) and the Ilala ferry, that travels a continuous route around the Lake.