Thursday 23 October 2014

The Best Places to Scuba Dive in the World

Scuba diving fanatics and novices around the world are always in search of the perfect location in which to go scuba diving. Since there are oceans and bodies of water around the world that are deep enough for quality scuba diving adventures there is sure to be an excellent scuba site close to where you live.
The hot spots where divers choose to go scuba diving can vary depending on a number of factors. Where they live, what they want to experience, and the amount of years they've been scuba diving. Without question, some of the best scuba diving places around the world to experience are located in Australia, North America, and Europe.
Top North American Destinations
The biggest and best adventures in North America are found in the United States, specifically the Hawaiian Islands, California, and Florida.
Regarding Florida, there are excellent diving options available in the Florida Keys, where divers can spend more than one day exploring the USS Vandenberg - which is part of the Florida Keys Wreck Treck.
The Hawaiian Islands offer an assortment of diving opportunities. One of the most beautiful places to visit in Hawaii, which is great for scuba divers and snorkelers alike, is Hanauma Bay on Waikiki. Divers that like to see more than just sea life and reefs when diving can take a tour to explore the wreckage of fishing vessels like the Korean "Sea Tiger" and the YO-257 San Pedro.
Numerous amazing dive sites are found throughout the Hawaiian Islands!
Other Popular Dive Destinations Around the World
Globally, there are numerous locations to explore. Australia has multiple dive spots that people around the world travel to experience. The SS Yongala Shipwreck in Queensland affords divers with views of the wreckage along with assorted sea life like manta and eagle rays. There's also leopard, bull, and tiger sharks. The Point Murat Navy Pier is another location in Australia filled with awesome sea life to explore. Individuals traveling to Malaysia can enjoy the amazing diving experience located in Barracuda Point on the Sipadan Island.
You never know what kind of adventures are waiting fro you beneath the beautiful waters. So dive in and be amazed by the natural beauty you will most definitely experience down under! Make sure that you find a tour package that suits you.
Wonderful diving experiences await novice and experienced divers alike all across the world. Finding the perfect scuba diving experience for you and your diving companions only takes a little research - the possibilities are truly endless!
Scuba divers in or visiting Hawaii can find great diving packages in Hanauma Bay. If you have questions about Hanauma Bay, you can find the information you need at Living Ocean Scuba.

Going on Vacation - Consider a Scuba Diving Tour

When it is time to go on vacation you want the ability to relax, have some fun, and get away from the stress of life. Many people want to do something fun and exotic when they have vacation time and not just sit around the house. If you are planning a vacation, or just have a free weekend, one of the most thrilling and adventurous activities you can participate in is a scuba diving tour.
Why Consider a Scuba Tour Vacation?
For diehard divers, the concept of going on a scuba tour vacation is a no-brainer. These types of tours offer the ability to explore the mysteries that lie beneath the surface of the water. There is a relaxing aspect to diving under the water's surface and moving slowly and methodically through the water, enjoying the sights around you. Experienced divers will tell you they love the ability to see sea life in its natural environment.
Just imagine moving through the water with your diving partner and seeing an assortment of exotic fish, coral, and sometimes even the wreckage of ships, that have long since sank to the floor of the ocean.
Who Can Go on a Scuba Diving Tour?
The concept of going on scuba diving tour may appeal to you but you might feel apprehensive about going on one, especially if you've never participated in one before. The great thing about this kind of vacation is that it truly is open to everyone - from first timers to novice divers to even the most experienced of divers. In many cases, the scuba tour provider may offer you a certification for a one or two-day dive so you can see what all of the interest in scuba diving tours is all about.
Maybe the thought of swimming underwater might scare you from truly enjoy the beauty beneath. Don't be afraid of truing something news, especially if you're on vacation. You never know what king of new activity you might discover. Most people who try scuba diving for the first time always return for more.
If you and your friends and family are looking to do something exciting and different on your next vacation then consider a scuba diving vacation. Even if some, or all of you, do not have any diving experience you will be able to find an experienced instructor to help you so that you can experience the breathtaking and exciting world that lives beneath the ocean's surface.
If you want to go on a scuba tour Living Ocean Scuba is the place to contact for assistance. For further information about a scuba tour, contact them directly.

Is Technical Diving Only for the Insane and Hardcore Scuba Diver?

You have seen photos of these scuba divers. You might have even seen them walking around at your local dive site. They have a plethora of gear on, most of it looks heavy. They have hoses running in different directions. Extra bottles hanging off the side of them. You think to yourself; they have to be nuts to ever enjoy scuba diving that way. You also re-affirm to yourself that you don't have what it takes to be a Technical Scuba Diver. Still, you start to wonder how much more you could see if you could stay down longer. What else is out there for you to explore if you had that extra air...
Now, at this point in time I will point out that Technical Scuba Diving is a choice that you have to make. Reason for that; specifically is MINDSET! If you are serious about becoming a Technical Diver (Tec Diver), you have to accept the mental requirements that go along with being a Tec Diver. This is not a "next logical step" in scuba diving. As a recreational scuba diver, you have plenty of opportunities to explore your boundaries and what King Neptune and Mother Nature have to offer you. Still, this article is about dispelling a couple of myths out there about becoming a Tec Diver.
Technical Scuba Diving is an equipment intensive sport. Because of what you are planning and what your desires are, you need to have extra equipment with you. You don't need to go out and spend ten thousand on new equipment and gear. We will talk a little later about training programs. AS a PADI Instructor, using the PADI system, you I don't have my students purchase everything at once. You should try a couple of things first, and see what you like before just opening the wallet up and spending money (By the way, if you feel that you must do that, please contact me. I can help you spend it). Let's talk about how to get into Technical Diving without breaking open a new mortgage.
Many training organizations have an Intro to Technical Diving class, or a step program into Technical Diving. PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) broke their Technical Diving program into multiple phases. The first 3 phases, you become a technical diver and certify in the areas before you get to Trimix or other technical diving gas mixtures. Their system is broken down into Tec40; Tec45; and Tec50 (Broken down into the meters a technical diver is certified too). For the basis of this conversation, we are going to stay in the Tec40 certification. Reason being is that Tec40 has a max depth of 130 feet. Sounds familiar doesn't it? Tec40 keeps you within Recreational Scuba diving limits. Our focus with Tec40 is to start learning how to plan, build skills and extend our bottom time for the same depth that we should already be certified for.
Which makes Tec40 an ideal place for someone to start out in Technical diving. Equipment wise, you might be able to use the same equipment that you are currently using right now. Tec40 requires that you have 2 independent breathing sources. This can be accomplished by putting an "H" Valve on your current scuba diving cylinder (this allows you the ability to shut one source of air off while breathing from the other regulator). Or you could carry an additional Deco or Pony bottle. NO, a Spare Air will not work for this. I would recommend at least a 40cuft cylinder as your additional bottle. There is your second breathing source. No requirement for doubles right here. You probably will have to purchase an additional cylinder and another regulator set up. Other benefit here, if you choose to continue on with Tec Diving, you now have equipment purchased for future certifications. You have just spread the cost of equipment out a little bit.
I do want to caution you here: Make sure your BCD is capable of holding the weight and extra equipment. If your BCD has plastic hooks and clips, it will not last under the stress of tec diving. If your BCD is not capable of lifting at least 40 pounds, then it too will not suffice under tec diving. I have seen divers try to make a current BCD work but because of the amount of gear they have on, their BCD bladder is filled to capacity and when they go to add more air it just purges out. Not a safe way to be technical diving. If you are in need of picking up another BCD, you have a couple of different options to look at. Let's take a look at them:
First option, you know that you are not going to continue on to other tec diving courses. You are just going to purchase a BCD that will be able to meet the needs of Tec40 diving. I would recommend that you purchase a BCD to meet one need. I know that there are BCD's other that make these statements that you can use them with single and double tanks. Just a simple attachment and you can expand the BCD to Tec diving. I have one BCD for my single tank diving. Yes, it has the ability to carry extra bottles with ease and has the lift requirements that I need. I also use if for my recreational diving. For my doubles, I have another wing and harness for that rig. No way am I going to try and use one BCD to meet all the requirements of Tec diving and Recreational diving.
Second option, don't be afraid of trying out sidemount scuba diving. You might be really, pleasantly surprised and continue doing it all the time. Sidemount diving has the cylinders slung under your arms, along your sides. Your valves are there for you to see, no complicated procedure to shutdown a cylinder if you had too. Most scuba divers trim out really well with a sidemount rig. Better body position in the water than if they had their own recreational gear on. It is also easier on your body. If you have lower back pain, or struggle to carry your single tank around in the current BCD configuration, give sidemount diving a try. I think you might fall in love with it right there.
Lastly, if you are looking at going the traditional doubles on the back. Try a couple of configurations out first. There are multiple harnesses, backplates, wings and manifolds. Each one of these things are going to affect how you trim out underwater. So experiment a little bit and hopefully your instructor has a couple things to try out and see if you like it.
These options are for if you need to purchase a BCD to make your tec diving safe. You can also use some of these keys to think about what to purchase in the future if you need too. Other equipment that you are going to need?
Regulators! You are going to need to have a couple of dependable regulators that can handle extended durations under water, might have to withstand cooler temperatures and possibly debris. If you have regulators that only are good for diving in the South Pacific or Caribbean you might want to look at upgrading. Unless you are only tec diving in those areas. Still, I would put it on your Christmas list to upgrade them. You will need one regulator for each cylinder. So plan accordingly.
Other item that I would strongly recommend is a dry suit. You're going to be underwater for longer periods of time. Even in the Caribbean waters that are 80 degrees, you are going to get cold by the end of the dive because water is removing your body heat. Dry suits limit this heat loss. It is not fun to have hypothermia. Besides, it can also lead to a rescue class that we don't need to accomplish right then.
Those are the major items that I would recommend that you look at and make a serious determination about if they can meet the requirements. If you aren't sure, ask your course instructor. They are there to help you out as well as teach you how to become a tec diver.
Can women be tec divers? Yes, they can! Sometimes they are better tec divers than what men are. For some reason men think that they have to do something no matter what. That attitude usually gets someone in trouble sooner or later. Women on the other hand are a little more cautious and are willing to make the right determination about what is transpiring. Besides, some of the best tec divers I know are women. So don't let gender be an issue.
We have talked about equipment, about if women can be tec divers, now we have to talk about you! AS I eluded too earlier, your MINDSET plays the most important factor in being a safe and successful tec diver. While there are inherent risks in any type of scuba diving (yes, even on the recreational side), you have come to accept those risks. In tec diving, those risks start to compound themselves more because you are going beyond the recreational scuba diving limits. If something goes wrong now, you don't have that immediate access to the surface. You do have to come up with the solution underwater. This is THE reason you as a tec diver have to be willing to take the responsibility for maintaining a tec diver mindset and adhere to protocols that you will be taught. You will also need to practice those protocols so that they are second nature to you. Along with that, you don't just practice while you are in your classes. You should practice them almost every time you are in the water on a dive. You don't know when something can go wrong. So being prepared to respond correctly if that issue should rear its ugly head underwater is critical.
Having a tec diver mindset means that you don't just strap the gear on and jump in the water and figure out your exploration. You should have a plan that you talked about before getting into the water. Who is going to be where, who is doing what? How long you're underwater, what your deco stops are and what other procedures you are going to accomplish while underwater. Plan your tec fun dives like your real tec dives to ensure you keep the mindset proper on the dive.
This is another reason I tell people don't be a tec diver just because it is the next logical step. There are going to be times that a tec dive is humbling to you. I know, I have been tec diving for years and every once in a while I have a dive that nothing goes right and I just want to pull the plug. It is frustrating and can be humiliating if you let it. Then again, that is why we practice and go through all the steps from putting our rig together to stepping into the water. The conduct of the dive should be the same all the time. Those tec dives where it feels nothing is going right, most of the time they are a dive where I have not been in the water with tec gear on for a couple of months. So I need to get the rust knocked off and focus on being a tec diver and not on a bunch of other things. See, to be a proficient tec diver, you need to practice and dive!
Everything about tec diving has a special significance. From maintaining a hover underwater to how your gear goes together. Each thing plays a crucial role in your dive. So develop good habits early and you can keep building on them throughout your tec dive career.
Most scuba divers look at the equipment required for being a technical scuba diver and think people are nuts just from that aspect. As you can see, you don't need a bunch of fancy gear to be a technical scuba diver, it actually is more important that you have the correct mindset. Doesn't matter, woman or man, you need to have the correct mindset to be a successful technical diver. Equipment is just something you need to be there. Mindset is what is going to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable tec dive. So maybe, you are thinking now that a tec diver doesn't have to be insane. Instead, they need to be disciplined...
Mike is a PADI Master Scuba Instructor with Scuba Shea LLC outside of Chicago in Northwest Indiana. He has been a scuba diver since the 1992 and a diving professional since 1994. As a diving professional, he brings many unique perspectives to the classroom to help divers achieve their dreams and goals. Mike can be contacted directly through email at You can also find out more about Mike and what Scuba Shea can offer you at

Friday 18 April 2014

How to Ski With Great Movement and Proper Skis                                                         Some people might be willing to let you ski around their yard and might even have an extra pair of skis lying around, depending on the part of the country you live in. The instructor will explain the equipment to you (including how to get it on and take it off), and demonstrate how to move and balance on skis, how to hold your poles, how to negotiate different types of terrain (flat, uphill, downhill), how to get up if you fall, and more. They'll also be able to look at what you are doing and give you personalized tips and coaching. The right boots are important and should fit as comfortably as your running shoes. Boots serve two functions, to keep your feet dry and warm, and to connect the boot to the ski. Cross-country boots only connect to the ski at the toe to allow the skier to raise their heel off the ski in order to glide. Be prepared to spend some money on the boots, it is not a good idea to buy the cheaper boots that might fail on the trail. Think about what style of terrain you will most be traveling and also how often. This will help you decide whether to rent, lease or buy cross country ski equipment and what style to look for.

A cross-country skier may wax for both kick and glide. Kick wax is a sticky wax you apply to the kick zone of waxable classical skis. Waxless classical skis, and skate skis require no kick wax. Kick wax sticks to the snow and allows the skier to get kick. Also know as "kicking", when you grip the snow with the ski to move forward. Nowax skis grip with the fishscale pattern, was skis grip with the wax, and skating skis grip with the edges. Applying kick wax is simple, but before you apply it you need to determine which kick wax to use. Please see page 19 for help with kick waxing. As speed increases: Your natural instinct is to lower your body to gain stability.This lowers your center of gravity, but:resist the urge to bend forward.If you bend forward at the waist when going downhill, you will throw your center of gravity so far off, that it won't matter what kind of skis you have - you will be out of control! Correcting this solves most skiers control problems.
For Traditional length classical skis (Your height in inches) x 2.6 + 15 inches = approximate ski length in centimeters. Generally speaking, you will select from skate skis, or waxable or waxless classic skis. A knowledgeable salesperson at a specialty shop can help you select the correct length. A wider model usually provides more stability, while a shorter ski is easier to maneuver. If they are too soft, the kick zone will constantly rub against the snow, which makes skiing more arduous. A pair of skis that is neither too stiff nor too soft will allow you to get kick and maintain good glide. If you are a heavyweight, you will need the longest mid-length ski. If you are a lightweight, you will need the shortest model. If you are a mid-weight, you will need the medium length ski. If you can squeeze them together with both hands but not with one hand they are perfect for you.