Sunday 9 December 2012

Role Of SCUBA Diving Gear In Technical And Recreational Diving

Diving can be Recreational or Technical. Diving in Arctic and Tropical Waters is classified as Technical and Recreational Diving respectively. It is a fact that the selection of Diving Gear is based on the specifics one is going to do, whether it is for Recreational purpose or to gain some Technical Diving knowledge skills.
Generally, the Scuba gear can be classified into different options like Scuba Systems, Mask & Snorkel, Fins and Gloves. Other kinds of instruments used are a Dive Computer, Submersible Pressure Gauge, Compass and much more. Accessories also used are the Torch, Dive Reels, Underwater Camera and Marker Buoys.
Through this article, we will come to know about the role of essential Scuba Diving Gear in different forms of Diving. Please go through this article and know about such Gear n detail.
Scuba Systems
Scuba Systems are composed of different parts including Regulators, Tanks, Weight, Buoyancy Control Devices and also BCD inflation systems. The Scuba Systems are the most useful underwater breathing equipment that helps Divers to gain enough breathing gas at the ambient pressure. This is due to the essential role and advantages of this device that make it useful for other professional diving options.
Exposure Protection Devices
Whether it is for Technical or Recreation Diving, the Exposure Protection Devices play an important role. It is found that extra exposure to high levels of sound can cause one to suffer a loss of hearing abilities. This is why to offer good hearing protection; the Exposure Protection Devices are available with leading Online Diving Gear Suppliers.
With reference to Hearing Protection, the Dry Suit Hoods are designed with porous material to dampen higher frequencies.
Air Tanks & Weights
The Air Tanks are made from aluminum or steel to hold air properly at high pressure. In terms of usage, Recreational and Technical Divers can use 1-2 tanks and 2-3 tanks respectively. And weights are used to maintain the buoyancy and also to support divers in moving downward properly.

Submersible Pressure Gauges are devices that are designed to monitor Depth/Time/Deco status conveniently inside the water. The Gauges can be seen available as Large, Medium and Thin sizes.
Along with the above discussed ones, each and every small or large dive equipment plays a crucial role in Recreational and Technical Diving. Experienced Diving Experts always consider the equipment is to be used in the right way by the Divers.
Diving Locker offers Advanced PADI scuba training along with various dive equipments online including Scuba Diving Gear to support Technical and Recreational Diving choices of individuals in Vancouver, BC.

Sea Safe: 5 Tips for a Proper, Eco-Friendly Dive

1. Don't touch or pick up anything, except for trash.

It's important to know that apart from being the home and breeding ground of fish, coral reefs are highly sensitive living creatures. Touching them, or even worse, picking them up will not only damage the corals but part of the ecosystem, as well. So, just be content with taking photos of these corals - and only pick up trash that may destroy them, if you ever encounter any.
2. Don't step on them, either.
Reiterating the point made above, stepping on coral reefs can seriously damage them. To avoid these situations, make sure to use only the weight needed when diving, and always keep afloat through the right buoyancy control measures. Snorkelers should also wear float-coats while adjusting gear to prevent stepping on corals and other inhabitants on the ocean floor.
3. Go with a certified dive instructor.
This is especially important for novices, because the instructor will teach you the proper way to dive or snorkel. This ensures not only your safety, but also the safety of the marine creatures surrounding you. One certification to check for is from the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI), which is allied with various marine conservation groups.
4. Choose the right accommodation for your diving trip.
Don't just choose between the amenities offered by either a 5-star or a cheap beach resort in Batangas. Make sure to check if the establishment you're considering have implemented earth-friendly practices. One such example is Eagle Point Resort in Anilao, home to an area where around 30,000 seedlings of endemic forest trees were planted to provide a habitat for migrating birds. The resort's main building is also made from repurposed hardwood sourced from a hundred-year-old house in Manila, minimizing the wood needed for its construction.
5. Practice sustainable living daily.
Remember that even if you go on an eco-friendly vacation for months, that is still easily offset by years and years of wasteful living back home. After all, that trash you may have picked up on a dive may not have necessarily come from an irresponsible beach-goer - it may have come from further inland. So, adopt the good earth-friendly practices that you've learned from your stay at the best resort in Batangas, and help make the world a better place.
Clara Buenconsejo is an avid traveler and freelance writer for different travel websites, creating city guides and how-to articles for commuting in different parts of the world. She graduated with a degree in creative writing just a few years ago. Her life mission is to set foot on at least 6 out of 7 continents.

How to Have Incredible Adventures and Enjoy Something New

If you ever feel a sense of cabin fever about your life and that things are a little more boring than you would like then this can be a very disconcerting feeling that nags at you until you do something about it. We watch films and read books partly because we want a little bit of escapism from our daily routine, but also often to get a sense of adventure that is sourly lacking in our regular lives. We evolved in the wild where we would spend most of our time tracking down our prey and fighting them with sticks and home-made weaponry, and would have spent the rest of our time scaling cliffs and running through jungle. Life should be more like that if you want to avoid going crazy and you need to make sure that you have at least some adventure in your life. Here we will look at how you can do this and how you can get that real feeling of excitement that many of us are lacking.
Discover Something New
One of the most important aspects of any 'adventure' is the sense of discovery that comes from finding something new or seeing an entirely new view. When you come over the top of a mountain and see an incredible view of a land you've never seen before then that's living and it will give you that feeling of discovery and awe.
One way to do this is simply to travel, but to get the real sense of wonder you need to travel to the places that are a little less typical and a little more unique. For instance you might want to visit an exciting vibrant city with a new culture such as Hong Kong or Tokyo, or you might want to visit the desert made entirely out of salt. It exists... go find it!
Another way to discover something completely unlike anything you've seen before is to head underwater. Under the sea is an entire world that looks completely alien and is completely unlike anything we have above ground. Dive into caves, see unusual sea creatures, and look at bizarre plant life and you will feel like you're touching down on an alien planet. Really quite incredible. Most resorts will offer you some kind of diving opportunity though you will need to do lessons and get certification first in order to be allowed to dive. It's cheap though and it's something anyone can do.
You can also discover something new in your own home in some cases and this is possible for anyone with a little scientific curiosity. Science really is discovery and adventure and it's pioneering into things we previously never understood. If you can get yourself a telescope and look at the moon in exquisite detail then this can really feel like an adventure.
The other aspect of adventure for some people is adrenaline and that means hurtling down a mountain or falling through the air. To experience this make sure you don't just go on holiday but that you do something there whether that means renting a go-kart or going mountain biking.

Scuba Diving in Lake Malawi, One of the Best Fresh Water Diving Locations in the World

As the sun bakes down upon the glistening surface of Lake Malawi, three divers emerge close to the rocky outcrop of Masimwbe Island, a dive site off Likoma Island in Lake Malawi. Bursting with excitement they return to the boat, remove their kit and discuss the fish they spotted on the short journey back to shore. With unspoilt white beaches and pure blue water stretching as far as the eye can see, you continually remind yourself that you are not diving in the Caribbean, but in the 3rd largest lake in Africa. Together with over 1000 different species of Cichlid fish, as well as cat fish and even otters, it is no wonder Lake Malawi has been cited as one of the best fresh water diving locations in the world.
Malawi is a landlocked country in the Southern Region of Africa and is bordered by Tanzania to the north, Zambia to the west and Mozambique to the east and south. The landscape is dominated along its eastern side by the third largest Lake in Africa, and the ninth largest in the world. Lake Malawi is known as the Lake of Stars, due to its impressive ability to mirror the star's constellations at night in its crystal clear fresh waters. The lake is of substantial importance to the country not only as a means of transport but also as a source of both food and water. As a Scuba diver, its significance lays in its remarkable abundance of different fish species- making it the most biologically diverse fresh water environment in the world.
Lake Malawi contains a greater variety of indigenous species (around 1000) of Cichlid fishes than any other lake. Researchers have identified over 500 species to date that are endemic to Lake Malawi, which is more than all of the freshwater species found in all the waters of both Europe and North America. The Cichlids of Lake Malawi, perhaps even more so than the Cichlids from the other two rift lakes, Victoria and Tanganyika, are brightly coloured and patterned. Cichlids have evolved from a single common species into the hundreds found today, coexisting within the lake ecosystem. The variable species have developed differential feeding techniques to maximise productivity. Some species have developed teeth specialized in scraping algae from the rocks, or aquatic plants. Others use a sand filtration technique to sieve aquatic animals or invertebrates from the sand. Also found are species specialised in snail, plant and fish consumption.
One of the most fascinating phenomena seen on dives is the protective nature of the mouthbreeders, made famous in the BBC documentary series 'Planet Earth'. The Cichlids of Lake Malawi are among a relatively small number of fishes that look after and protect their offspring. The mothers carry their eggs and fry in their mouths until the juveniles are large enough to fend for themselves. Even at this stage, in many species, the baby fry remain close to their mother in a tight shoal when at the first sign of predatory danger, she opens her mouth and the whole brood are taken in for safety. In the case of many of the mouthbreeders, the males exhibit no parental care; after spawning, they move on to find another female. Often divers can see the males dig large spawning pits- large round craters - in the sand, at water depths of around 2-20 meters (6-65 feet), in order to attract further females.
Other species in Lake Malawi have developed some very unique hunting adaptations, which make them fun to observe whilst diving. At least two species lure small fish within range by feigning death and lying motionless in the sand! These have been given the nickname of "The play-dead fish." One of the largest fish that can be seen whilst diving is the Kampango. Growing up to 2m in length, the Kampango is a large, territorial and predatory catfish endemic to Lake Malawi, occurring from the lower reaches of rivers to the deepest habitable parts of the lake. A nocturnal predator, it feeds largely on smaller cichlids. Juveniles mainly feed on eggs released by the female, and when slightly older, the male helps the young in searching for invertebrates in and around the nesting site, which both parents will defend. If you are lucky enough to find a catfish pair with babies, you will see perfectly formed miniature catfish - up to 80 of them in one nest! The Kampango is inquisitive and will approach divers entering its territory, particularly when breeding.
Lake Malawi is a fresh water environment; as a result there is no coral growth on the reefs. However, that doesn't mean to say there is no plant life. Lake Malawi boasts an endemic genus and species of freshwater sponge, Malawispongia echinoides. This little colonial animal occurs nowhere else on earth.
About one third of the lakes' coast is rocky, which is home to the vegetarian cichlids, the Mbuna, as well as the occasional fresh water eel. These underwater rock formations make for stunning dive sites including countless swim throughs and drop-off walls. The rest of the coastline is characterised by sandy beaches and bottoms. This is where the majority of the open-water piscivores (eat other fish), called Haps, dwell. A few Cichlid species inhabit the muddy and weed-strewn bottom where larger rivers flow into the lake.
Lake Malawi is unusual in that it does not have tides or significantly strong currents, making it a perfect environment for open water training. Diving is possible all year round. However, between August and November, the lake is at its calmest, with very little wind. Water temperatures can rise up to 30 Degrees Celsius during this time, with visibility as good as 20 metres. With these conditions, 3-5mm wetsuits with little or no weight systems are perfectly suitable in this freshwater paradise. Given that Lake Malawi sits at nearly 500m above sea level, special procedures are required when diving at altitude.
Night diving is certainly regarded as a unique experience in the lake. Dolphin fish, resembling nothing like their names sake, can be seen using the torch light of divers to facilitate an easy meal. Numerous different catfish can also be seen rising from the depths of their daytime lairs in search of food. In the shallower waters a plethora of blue crabs can be found on the sandy bottom, whilst a sharp eye can spot tiny fresh water shrimp located in and around the rocky boulders.
For those days that divers prefer to stay topside there is always something to do on Lake Malawi. Kaya Mawa, an award-winning lodge on Likoma Island, offers activities for its guests, such as sailing, kayaks, bicycles, waterskiing and wakeboarding, round island boat trips and quad bike tours. For the 2012 season, Malawi's first Kite-surfing school has also opened. For those keen on birdwatching, Lake Malawi is a haven for hundreds of species. If you are lucky, you might spot the crimson-rumped waxbill, found only on Likoma Island, or the Majestic Fish Eagle, swooping down to catch it's prey.
There are several international airlines that fly into Malawi, including South African Airways, Kenyan Airways, Air Malawi and Ethiopian Airways. Internal transport is possible by bus, taxi, rental car, internal flight companies (Ulendo Airlink) and the Ilala ferry, that travels a continuous route around the Lake.

Thursday 30 August 2012

How to Survive Your First Round With a New Golf Rangefinder

You've done all your homework and found the best golf GPS for your style of play. It finally arrives, so you charge it up and head out to the course confident that it's going to help you knock the pins out of the hole. You get to the first tee, turn it on and it doesn't find your golf course right away. You press buttons hoping for something, anything. You even turn it off and back on again. Distracted, you rush up and hit your first shot of the day... into the trees.
Here are three keys to surviving your first round of golf with your brand new golf GPS:
  1. Prepare ahead of time. While the device is charging, look at the instructions. If none came with it, go online to the manufacturer's website and you should find them under the "Support" section. Get familiar with which buttons do what. Turn on the device and see if you can do a demo or preview mode. Make sure you know where to look for the distance to the middle of the green. That's the most important information on any golf GPS. It will really pay off if you know how to navigate from one screen or view to another. Make sure you always know how to get back to the default screen.

  2. As soon as you arrive at the golf course, power it up and let the satellites get locked in. Sometimes this can take a little while, especially if the last time it was shut down, it was in a different state. On your first day, make sure you get to the course a little early, so that when you get to the first tee, it's ready to go. You don't want to be fighting your GPS before you even start your day.

  3. Don't try to do too much with it during the first round. Stay away from the buttons as much as possible. Most golf GPS rangefinders will auto-advance from hole to hole and you might not even need to touch them during the round. There will be temptation to try all the bells and whistles, but while you're getting used to having it, don't let it distract you from playing your game. Remember, distance to the middle of the green is your friend!
Some golfers like and can handle lots of detailed information during their rounds and others, just want the basics. Know what works best for you and allow your golf GPS to help your game, rather than become a distraction.

Golf Beginner Tips: How and Where to Properly Tee Up a Golf Ball

Being able to place your golf ball on a tee provides a distinct advantage over hitting the ball off the ground. Players new to golf often find it difficult to get the ball airborne. By teeing the ball up and lifting it off the ground, you are able to get the ball airborne much easier. You also are able to greatly reduce the possibility of grass getting between the club face and the ball, promoting more solid contact with the ball, i.e. better ball-striking.
If you're new to golf, here's one of the most simple golf beginner tips you can use: Always use a tee! You should always take advantage of hitting from a tee when you are allowed. To do this, you need to know the "how" and "where" of teeing up a ball.
How to tee up the ball. To tee up a golf ball, start by placing the tee between your index finger and middle finger or between the middle finger and ring finger. Place the ball on the top, or head, of the tee and hold it in place with your palm. Place the pointed end of the tee on the ground and apply pressure with your palm, which will force the tee into the ground. You can use your thumb or fingers to push the tee into the ground, but this is harder to do, especially on ground that is hard and dry, and can hurt your thumb or fingers. Make sure the tee is as straight up and down as possible when it's in the ground, as your ball will need to balance on the head of the tee. Place the ball on the head of the tee and prepare to take your shot.
Where to tee up the ball. Under the rules of golf, the only place on the course where you are allowed to tee up the ball is the tee box. The tee box on each hole is denoted by a set of two markers, one on each side, spread perpendicular to the direction of the fairway and/or green. The tee box is the space between the two markers and extends two club lengths back from there, forming an "imaginary" rectangle. You must tee the ball within this rectangle, never in front of our outside of the markers, in order to play your shot within the rules. It is OK for your feet and body to be outside the imaginary rectangle that defines the tee box as long as the ball is within it when you make contact to put it in play.
So if you're new to golf, make use of these golf beginner tips, even when hitting an iron, fairway wood or hybrid, to get the ball airborne easier and for more consistent ball-striking off the tee. Better ball-striking means better golf shots and lower scores.

Internal Suit Sensors On Scientifically Engineered Sports Apparel Will Improve VR Training or Gaming

A few years ago, I was talking with a lead engineer scientist for an LED company about the use of LEDs on a suit to track movements of a human doing various activities, then an optical flow sensor would take those movements and the light streaks to help train AI computer systems to help model those movements. This has applications for animation cartooning, virtual reality training, and making movies in the future with non-available actors of the past. Okay, but it also has endless applications for sports training augmented reality systems, and for electronic gaming. Let's talk.
There was a great article produced in the late 80s by Donna Hood Crecca titled; "Physics on the Fairway" which discussed the perfect golfing swing, the aerodynamics of golf balls dimples, and the design of clubs, new materials, and the future of golf. It's worth reading. In that article were some interesting pictures of the USGA's biomechanical laboratory studying a pro-golfer's stance as he wore special bands at all of his major joints as he swung the golf club. All of this recorded by instruments and then visualized on computers - the latest CADCAM computers of the time.
Now then, in my dialogues with the former MIT graduate engineer working now at one of the top LED manufacturer lab, I suggested additional sensors inside the suit to measure specific pressure applied for use in robotics, androids, and robotic personal assistants, not to mention for physically challenged folks, exo-skeletons, and also entertainment; movies and animation. It might also help to train our Olympic athletes, cyclists, skiers, martial artists, etc.
We should very easily be able to create fifth-generation smart sports apparel which will remember every move, that coupled to artificial intelligence and uploaded through a USB port and you'd have one hell of a great technology with endless applications. Now then, you will not be able to patent any of this because my engineering friends working with some MIT grad students have already filed a patent, and they're hoping the movie industry will be using some of this technology that they are developing.
Nevertheless, if who wish to take all this to the next level, and I do believe that we should, there are applications in endless industries, including some future industries which haven't been created yet. Not to mention, the opportunities to unite the virtual world with the real one in totally new and unique ways. Indeed it is my hope that you will please consider all this and think on it. If you'd like to discuss this at a much higher intellectual level, then you may shoot me an e-mail.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Street Fighting Lessons For Cheap

There are a variety of ways that you can learn how to defend yourself. You could spend a lot of money doing so, or you can go the cheap route and learn on your own time with many free resources. If you are looking for particular ways to help you learn how to be confident with your body, fight when attacked, and learn more about how your body works, then you are going to enjoy the following quick tips to learning how to fight in the streets.
Before we get into the quick notes, it is imperative for you to understand that learning how to defend yourself against enemies is not a matter of lethal force in any way. Many people forget that by defending yourself, you are protecting yourself from lethal engagements, and not vice versa. That being said, when you learn how to properly deal with problems, you are not learning how to fight to the death, but rather defend until further help arrives.
Free Videos - If you look online you will find a great variety of free websites that give you video. These videos are often times updated by people just like you, and they teach you step-by-step how to defend yourself. Whether you want to learn kung fu, street fighting, karate, or any other style, you can do so from point A to point Z with free online videos.
Penny Manuals - Much like the lore that is pushed through martial arts cinema, you can learn with books from long ago. At the writing of this article, there are a grand variety of books on self defense that are priced at a penny that can teach you all the things that any modern dojo can teach you, without having to pay for the high price of lessons. These old manuals have all the drawings, pages, and step-by-step instructions that will change the way you see the world. You will be able to learn for cheap, if you simply look at these manuals.
MMA Gyms - The last option is really something that has been catching on like wildfire. If you visit any major gym today, you will most likely see ads for MMA classes. These classes will not only teach you how to live a better life, but also learn how to defend yourself in violent situations. These classes are meant for aerobics, but they also are meant for those that want to learn self defense. They will make you sweat quite a bit, and they will teach you the basics that will keep you safe in dangerous situations.
The above tips are just basic, they are not meant to be the blueprint to making you a master of any martial art. However, if you want to learn, the above will help you get to a place where you either go hard or simply stay stagnant.
Sir Jorge writes about martial arts training, and more on his official blog.

Learn How to Do a Martial Arts Form the Right Way

When it concerns Understanding ways to Do a Martial Arts Form, the typical misinterpretation is that that you go into a class with twenty additional individuals, you implement kicks into the air maniacally, then you are a martial artist.
No, you are a martial arts lover, and you are no place near to being an artist.
A lot of martial artists have not the faintest idea as to ways to do a martial arts form. The martial arts merely took place too quick in the nation, and coaches were fresh off the airplane and either didn't talk the language, didn't have sufficient experience, or an assortment of additional things.
So right here is just how you do a martial art form.
You discover the very first motion. This normally includes something like standing in one spot, stepping in a direction, and doing a low block.
Now, do not acquire the 2nd motion. Work on the very first motion. Take that very first motion home, stand in the center of your bedroom, and do it.
Do not do it quick and maniacally, do it slowly and gradually. Work on making the hand and the foot move at the same time. Work on making certain the hips are turning with the hand and the foot. Work on relaxing, then tightening up the fist at the moment of block. Work on breathing. Work on making that karate block or kung fu block the only thing you are doing. Rid the mind of interruptions till there is just the block. not even a thought of you.
Now close your eyes and do the motion. Feel your balance, feel your breath, feel your coordination and weight drop and anything else.
The application of a form is not to find out the best ways to block. An idiot can easily block. the application of the form is to clear the mind of distraction, and to make that block the only thing that you are doing.
When the carpenter strikes the nail, is he thinking, or doing without thinking?
And, speaking of carpenters and nails, right here is an ingenious, little workout to assist the novice, the other who does not comprehend exactly what I am asking right here and wishes to, or also the other with thirty for forty years martial arts experience in a variety of martial arts.
Stand 3 feet away from your automobile with the keys in your hand. Close your eyes. Step forward and place the keys into the doorlock.
Within a short time, I'll gamble, your pretty, shining auto is going to have a couple of scratches around the keyhole.
I always remember when I was doing this, but sitting in the automobile and just placing the keys into the ignition with my eyes closed. The spouse comes out and asks just what I'm doing.
Martial Arts, I reply.
Okay, got that block down? Really good, go be taught a 2nd motion, and do the exact same thing all over once again. And do not forget to duplicate the very first lesson so you will not forget it.
I ensure that discovering your karate forms, or kung fu of taekwondo or whatever, in this way will certainly tremendously increase your development in the martial arts. All those amazing motions, you see, are nothing but polished basics. And by utilizing the technique I explain right here you are discovering ways to polish from the get go.
Keep in mind, it is not just how many times you do something maniacally and with frenzied energy. It is doing it once with reduced energy and high understanding. Opt for the understanding, that's the best ways to do a martial arts form.
Discover the best ways to do martial arts the right way, and in the privacy of your very own house. Go to MonsterMartialArts (dot) com.

Kata, the Driving Force of Karate - Fact or Fiction?

What draws people to karate's method of combat? Is it history, or its knowledge and skill or maybe it's because to some people it looks effortless and at times even elegant rather than as a system based on strength and youth.
The fact that those seeing the experienced karate practitioner render people helpless with punches and kicks excites them and they desire to have the same skills or as they see it a new form of fighting. It's true, traditional karate enjoys immense respect or at least it did once.
When karate first appeared on the scene, its way of fighting seemed almost miraculous to the uninitiated. But unfortunately over the following years it began to lose its statue once it wasn't new anymore.
During the Bruce Lee era, practitioners began to question traditional karate and when full contact karate was demonstrated the combination of hand boxing techniques, kicking and footwork it soon became apparent that as far as real combat was concerned it was superior over traditional karate techniques and the demise of the more traditional karate schools began as many of them moved over to make way for full contact karate.
The result of all this was that many karate schools were not traditional anymore and the word traditional became hard to justify. Today, it seems that there are three distinct types of karate practiced. One is the traditional type of karate practice consisting of (kihon) basics, kata and pre-arranged sparring (kumite) utilising what some may say useless or unrealistic techniques. "Not my opinion by the way".
However, the second school is the self defence method training and reacting to common self defence situations requiring a series of responses, they include, a variety of combative moves as well as striking, kicking both short and long-range all delivered with a realistic theme and an emphasis on an aggressive manner.
Then we have the third, which is sport karate, relying on footwork, distance and non-contact point scoring. As such, the training for a sporting contest the techniques would have been modified and power down-graded to help the non-contact aspect of the sport and the smooth, crisp touch only delivery of a winning technique upon ones opponent.
Sport karate, only equips the karate student with techniques to compete successfully in an arena shared by the desire to win and bring home some shining trophies. It is argued that some attributes of this form of karate are valuable in actual fighting.
While I agree that timing and quick reactions are useful outside in street fight I have my doubts about the rest. The fact is what the sport orientated fighter learns has very little resemblance to the realities of self defence or street fighting in truth, he will find himself poorly equipped if he had to deal with a real street criminal high on crack cocaine.
Now, this may sound a bit odd, to me anyway, since most students' prime goal in joining a martial arts club karate in particular, is to learn how to fight and defend themselves correct? I'm not trying to diminish the sports karate practitioner, success in any sport is commendable, and I'm just saying sport is sport okay.
Therefore, in the increasingly violent urban world we find ourselves living in the ability to act against an unprovoked violent attack means learning a practical skill set to do exactly that. So time spent in the dojo practising such techniques surely is time well spent. Don't you agree?
But regrettably, it is in the traditional dojo which causes the greatest confusion, which for the beginner comes about through training in kata movements that bare no resemblance to practical fighting.
But that isn't quite true, you see, kata movements combined with their practical applications (bunkai), are useful because the moves found within the bunkai of any given kata can and indeed do have practical street applications when it comes to self defence and real combat. And yet, the average student only receives training in kihon and kata movements and is judged for promotion purely on this basis.
In contrast, the old style of combat, techniques and strategies were designed for the battle field they were taught because they worked in real combat in that era. Modern day combat is very different so obviously practitioners don't expect to learn about the battlefield. Indeed, that means, the traditional karate-ka does not know if the technique he is practising is real or effective for the purpose given. This begs the question, was empty hand fighting really that much different a century or so ago than it is today?
After all, people grabbed and punched each other in the face, biting, clawing and grappling was the same as it is now during a Saturday night pub brawl, hitting people over the head with a sake bottle instead of a beer bottle. But kata moves seems to have no resemblance in such a setting. But, kata is what real combat is all about, kata is combat and kata is karate.
Let me explain, kata is quite simply a collection of deadly and effective combat techniques. It also utilises pressure point striking rather than random counter-blows. Which means, when kata movements are applied in real time they look the same as when performed solo. All in all, kata basics are just sections of kata peeled away to perform separately and more intense study.
What's more, the self defence aspects come directly out of the kata itself. By practising kata bunkai the student learns to understand the exact meaning of the movements as they are being performed so that it becomes the same as self defence training. Certain scenarios can be set up and kata movements used to pressure test there effectiveness.
Thus, the student comes to understand the concept of kata movements and by using visualisation as well to relate to the combat situation at the time your sub-conscious mind is being programmed to react instinctively to the said threat meaning, you will act without conscious thought. In the past karate masters understood and taught their students to use their minds through visualisation to see their opponent whilst performing kata.
The mind is a powerful tool and kata teaches you specific responses to set combat situations. But, all this means nothing; if we don't embrace the past teachings whilst at the same time, embrace the new, you must understand that the type of criminal and the type of threats we face today have changed but the physical techniques still remain the same it's variations of those very same skills that have changed in order to be able to deal effectively with the 21st century criminal and today, even terrorist's.
So, is teaching something new about reclaiming what has become lost? Establishing kata once again as the central point and key in training the karate-ka in a fighting art in its pure form as it was originally created to be? If your answer is yes, then in order for it to be so you must first unmask and make kata the driving force of any future karate training, true or not?

Sensory Integration Dysfunction and the Benefits of Taekwondo

The truth is that it began as a way to keep the 5 year old little brother occupied between the start of big sister's dance class and the end of her class. Because the front door of the TKD studio was literally four doors down from the front door of the dance studio it seemed like a good enough idea. We had no clue at the time that it would end up being the very best thing we could ever have done for our son.
As any parent knows, each child develops at a different rate and all children face their own special challenges. Some 5 years olds can read but can't hit a ball off the "T" to save themselves. Others can already ride a bicycle without training wheels but may not yet know their colors. You know what I mean. As a parent, the hope and the challenge is to coax improvement in the areas which are lacking so as to give them every advantage.
Rob's special challenge was physical which is now hard to believe when you see him do a 360 twist kick. By this I mean that he literally had no idea where his body was and had little control of it. Later we learned that the medical term for this is Sensory Integration Dysfunction. Contributing to this was another condition called Strabismus which is often referred to as "lazy eye" for which he eventually had corrective eye surgery. When he was a little guy and I got my final kiss good-night I routinely held up my arm in a blocking maneuver to protect myself from the head-butt which was sure to come because he was unable to accurately judge how much force was required to move his body a given distance. As he got older we used to tease him that we had "charmed" the floor in the kitchen (this was back when Harry Potter was all the rage) because it seemed as though every time he walked across it he would fall down. Often he would simply fall off his chair at the dinner table, sitting still was an impossibility.
Peer pressure can work for you or against you. When he saw that his classmates could stand still in a straight line he learned that he could exercise self-control too. When all his classmates were advancing to a higher rank he wanted to advance too and he learned that hard work and perseverance are rewarded. The constant and repetitive physical and mental demands of learning Forms and Sparring were exactly what he needed. Taekwondo is a snap shot of all the honorable aspects of life included all within a 45 minute class. Sometimes you succeed and sometimes you fail, but your personal integrity is what matters most. Did you try your hardest and do your best? Only you will know. Do you have the spirit to try it again? We have experienced the thrill of breaking the last board on the last try and advancing to the next belt level and we have experienced the utter agony of no-change.
My little guy is now almost as tall as I am and about to become a high school freshman. He is a good student and a hard worker, and he is a confident and courteous young man. Reality is that his opportunity to experience negative peer pressure is about to go up by a factor of a hundred, but I am extremely confident that he has the tools and the training to make the right choices thanks in no small part to Ms. Peck and all that she has taught on the way to developing a 3rd degree black belt and a junior instructor following the guidelines of Taekwondo America. His mother and I are very proud.

Saturday 21 July 2012

10 Things a Woman Can Do on the Ski Slopes That a Man Cannot

For all those women who have endured a skiing holiday with their fella whether in the European Alps or in the Rockies - this brief article is for you. Put a man on a pair of skis, give him two ski lessons and within days he convinces himself he is either Bode Miller or Herman Maier.
We ladies take our time. We listen to our instructor - fancy him a bit (maybe a lot). We follow him; heed his advice: mimic his stance and style and emerge the butterfly on skis. We read signs and obey them. We know codes of conduct and act upon them.
So - these are the 10 reasons why I believe women continue to look graceful on their skis and can do things on the slopes that men can only aspire to.
1. Firstly, and I speak from a week's experience of pure embarrassment, a woman can always look good in a one piece ski suit.
2. Women know when to stop - and often how to without spraying everyone else within a 200 yard radius.
3. Women can enjoy an extra hour in bed in the morning and feel no guilt when they see the first lift depart for the top of the mountain. Men prefer to rise with the larks, hastily breakfast then join and moan about the queues. ITS A HOLIDAY!
4. Women stop for hot chocolate and socialise with friends. Men drink beer and Gluhwein, think their skiing has improved and challenge mates to increasingly more frightening feats.
5. Women do not wear ridiculous hats for the week.
6. Women wait for others to catch up and don't set off immediately when they do.
7. Ladies do not laugh at the misfortune of those who head plant.
8. They do not race, jump, threaten trees and land on children.
9. Women conform to ski school lines.
10. And, of course, ladies ski better anyway!
The gender difference on the slopes is one of confidence. Only a confident male could wear a shiny pink, one piece ski suit with contrasting mauve belt and a pink helmet cover that made him look like a fat penis.
Ladies, lets be honest, we may not be the fastest on the slopes, we may moan about the cold and the wet, but we can always read the resort map and find our way back. Our caution, attention to detail makes us ideal ski instructor material, yet very few of us become one. If you do one thing today, check out a ski instructor training course and lets take women's skills and put them back on the mountain.
I wrote this article to encourage more women to become ski instructors. As a CSIA level 2 ski instructor who trained at the age of 46 after years of trailing after her husband around the alps in Europe, I set up The Winter Sports Company to help ambitious skiers to live their dream and become a confident, jacket-wearing ski instructor.
The Winter Sports Company provides fully inclusive courses from 3 to 18 weeks to train skiers to become instructors and welcomes women and men of any age.

Should I Wear a Helmet When Skiing or Snowboarding?

In 2011 the NHS reported that current studies on the benefits of wearing a helmet whilst skiing or snowboarding had several shortcomings. Whilst some concluded wearing a helmet can reduce head injuries by 35% in adults and 59% in children, the NHS claimed most of these studies lacked adequate sampling of control groups, an unclear definition of what actually constitutes a head injury and no consideration of the consequences of the actual fit of a helmet.
So as skiers and snowboarders, should we wear a helmet? What do we gain and what do we lose?
The NHS maintain that the actual risk of head injury for skiers and snowboarders is relatively low. Only 1 in 11,111 ski or snowboard outings result in an head injury and serious head injuries which cause fatalities are extremely rare.
Helmets are most effective if collisions happen at low speeds under 15mph. As we all know, the majority of intermediate and advanced skiers and boarders regularly travel at speeds much faster than this which increases their risk.
So what are the benefits of a helmet? Most regular helmet wearers describe higher levels of comfort. Helmets, unlike woolly hats, do not itch. They do not soak up moisture. They are warm when its cold and cool when its hot. Some claim that once you wear a helmet you will never go back to the beanie. New styles and designs of helmets have also made them more fashionable and in some European and American resorts, studies have shown helmet wearing has increased to 80% of those enjoying winter sports.
If you are considering a career in ski or snowboard instruction, you will find most candidates purchase a helmet. When teaching it is always better to lead by example, especially to children for whom it may be compulsory to wear a helmet.
Snowboarders have also to be aware that the Canadian Association of Snowboarders, who certify and test those wishing to become a qualified, internationally recognised instructor, have made helmets mandatory for their Level 2, 3 and 4 courses. If snowboarders also want to learn to teach in the park, helmet wearing is enforced.
So what do you lose if you wear a helmet? Some argue helmets may impair vision and hearing and that they may encourage people to take greater risk. There is also a cost factor to the purchase of a helmet - at around a £100 they are expensive item.
However, if you decide to invest in a helmet, you must ensure it fits well to give maximum comfort and protection. Measure the circumference of your head from just above your eyebrows and roughly follow the sizing chart below:-
Small 42 - 55.5 cm
Medium 55.5 - 59 cm
Large 59 - 62.5 cm
Ex Large 62.5 - 65 cm
A helmet needs to fit snugly with very little movement inside when you move your head. Be wary of a helmet that is too tight as it will be uncomfortable. When trying a helmet out wear it for several minutes in the shop to get a true sense of its fit. The ear pads inside should be in line with your ears and if you use goggles take them along and wear them with the helmet as they also can effect the fit.

Why Canada Is the Best Place to Train to Be a Ski or Snowboard Instructor

Obviously the main advantage of the Rockies over the Alps is snow. Loads of the white stuff falls every year in western Canada - and not just your average wet flurry of flakes, but soft, fluffy, champagne powder. There is no experience more satisfying than an early morning glide making tracks through newly settled snow.
The dry air in the mountains of western Canada not only keeps the snow light, it also takes the edge off the temperature. So when the thermometer plummets to minus twenty degrees, the lack of moisture in the air means it does not feel as cold as it should. Nevertheless, Canada can still be colder than the Alps. Rather than worrying about the cold, snow sports enthusiasts embrace the challenge of frozen goggles and nostrils. True cold is a memorable experience. Honestly!
The lack of lift queues in Canadian resorts makes them ideal for ski instructor training. Instead of wasting time at the bottom of lifts dodging penguin skiers pushing to get to the front, in Canada high speed technology ensures you get to the top fast. Larger resorts with less people mean vast empty pistes (slopes) await trainee instructors giving them the chance to develop their skills without spending time avoiding hordes of holiday makers.
Now its is true that North American resorts may lack a little of the charm of quaint Alpine villages, but boy do they make up for that by investment in super fast lifts and giving smiling customer service in most of their cafes, bars and restaurants.
In many of the Canadian ski resorts, the mountain terrain is much more extensive than that in the Alps. There are long slopes to coast along and steep, deep bowls and chutes to test your skills. In addition heli skiing and cat skiing companies often operate close to resorts and offer the opportunity for skiers and boarders to sample the 'back country' where thigh deep powder and pure silence await you.
The Canadians,who also appreciate this wonderful environment, use the weekends to go boarding or skiing in their nearest resort. In comparison to the Alps, where many of us make the pilgrimage for our annual ski trip, Canada's slopes are amazingly quiet during the week and a bustling array of colour on the weekends. This phenomenon is yet another benefit for trainee ski instructors in North America. After a week's intensive tuition trainees can either choose take their weekends off when the slopes are busy or help out at the snow school and shadow a few professional ski instructors.
There is no denying the splendour and the beauty of the Canadian wilderness however, its isolation does have its drawbacks. Some of the major resorts where ski instructors can be accommodated are many miles from the ski areas. This may entail long bus rides in the morning to get out to the snow. The purpose built village of Sun Peaks Resort in British Columbia has sited its hotels, bars and shops right beside the slopes. Skiers and boarders here can live and breathe the mountains every day and get to the lifts within a minute of stepping out of their hotel.
Skiing or boarding in the European Alps is a delightful experience. There is no better place to take your annual holiday on snow; pretty villages to travel between, excellent cuisine, a myriad of shops and plenty of like minded people with which to share your stories. However, when considering a full season in which to train to be a ski instructor, then Canada has to be high on the list. Canada not only has dramatic scenery it has a lack of queues, vast empty pistes, opportunities to shadow and work in a resort's snow school and professional long established instructor training centres providing Canadian qualifications which have set the standards for others to follow.

No Strings Attached Means Endless Fun

Whether you ski or snowboard, your level of interest and involvement in this winter sport is going to be directly related to where you grew up in the world, as the old real estate saying goes "Location, location, location". If you didn't grow up in a region where skiing is possible you probably don't think about the activity too much. For those who keep their equipment all summer long and look forward to the freedom and enjoyment skiing has to offer know about the amazing rush that accompanies the sport.
Skiers and snowboarders alike know about the importance of location, and fully understand that good ski conditions are also directly related to location as well. Geographic parameters combined with the man made infrastructure of a resort provide you with a winter playground. Cable cars can reach peaks and trails are cut out of the trees to provide everyone with a safe and easy to follow path. While some resorts are clearly more enjoyable than others, there is one factor that ties them all together.
Cables! They are the foundation for all traditional ski resorts. They take you to your destination and your excursions are limited by the places they reach. You have to sit in line and wait at the designated area (sometimes with far too many other people) for your turn on the cable, and then once you start to descend, again ropes and cables section off your boundaries. There is only one way to experience a mountain with no strings attached.
Helicopter skiing is an adventure for those looking for the ultimate ski experience. Not only are there no lines or cable cars; there are no boundaries. As you sit in the helicopter as it passes over mountain peaks on route to your handpicked destination, you realize that you are literally scouring the Earth for the ultimate descend. Then as the helicopter touches down and you hop on to the peak, you realize that you are completely free. Free from groomed paths and packed icy conditions, free from tiresome long lines and cables cars that stop because someone fumbled their poles.
It is an amazing feeling to be the first to carve a trail through two feet of fresh powder. As you float down the mountain with your companions it is easy to feel as if the world is your playground, as opposed to a direct and beaten path filled with other skiers. The freedom of having an entire mountain as your path is beyond words; a sensation that lasts a lifetime and must be experienced to be understood.
While not everyone can appreciate the joy of skiing, those that do search for the ultimate descend. Only a heli-skiing experience can provide you with the ultimate rush of freedom that comes from being completely unbound by cables or ropes. When the only factor that limits your freedom is your own courage, you are sure to push the limits of what you thought you were capable of. This personal discovery only happens when you release yourself from the boundaries of ropes and cables, and venture out to the great big world.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Selecting A Bicycle Tube For Mountain Biking

A good mountain bike tube can make the difference between a very short ride and a long one. So how do you find the right tube and where do you buy it?
As surprising as it may be there are a lot of different kinds of bicycle tubes. From different sizes to different types of adapters, there are tons of options.
Determine Your Tire Size
The first step in choosing the correct tube is determining the size of your mountain bikes tire. Bicycle tires list the size of the wheel in this format, (26x2.25). These numbers tell us the diameter of the wheel (26 inches) and the width of the tire (2.25 inches). For determining a tube size we only need the diameter, in this example that is the 26 inches.
Once you have determined your tire size it's time to go shopping for your tube. You can purchase a bicycle tube at most athletic or department stores. Places like Wal-Mart, Target, Academy Sports & Outdoors or Dick's Sporting Goods are a good spot to start. If you have a local bicycle shop nearby try stopping by to get their expert opinion.
Ask an employee where they can find the bicycle tubes inside the store. You need to find the correct size, so take the tires diameter that you found and match it up with the boxes of tubes at the shop. In our example, we will need to find a box with a 26" tube inside of it.
Choose A Valve Type
The valve on a bicycle tube is where you will connect your pump and put air inside the tube. There are two types of valves that come on most bicycle tubes. Presta or Schrader. Sometimes your bicycle is designed for a particular valve, other times either one can fit. It's best to examine the valve you currently have on the bike before selecting a new tube.
For the most part the type of valve you use it a personal preference, but there are some benefits unique to each bicycle tube valve type.
  • Schrader valves are short, fat and identical to the valves you see on a car. A benefit of this type of valve is that it is a universal fit. If you get a flat all you have to do is make it to the nearest gas station and use their air pump. The downside of the schrader valve is that they can be harder to pump than a presta valve because of the spring in the core.

  • Presta valves are long, skinny and have a locking nut on the top of them. The locking nut on the top of a presta valve prevents accidental depression of the core which could release the air in your tire. Unfortunately, presta valves also require a special pump that fits over the valve head.
Select a tube that has the valve type you want in the size that you need.
Flat Proof Gel Filling
Most likely the reason you are searching for a new tube is because you had a flat in your old tube. If you want to prevent a flat from occurring in the future most stores and bicycle shops have bicycle tubes that are filled with a puncture filling slime or gel. These are highly recommended for mountain biking on trails with thorns and will only add a dollar or two to the cost.

Mongoose Bikes and Mainenance

Clearly, every bike fanatic knows its own preference in terms of bikes. The Mongoose bike is usually a brand manufacturing a BMX Item or mountain bikes. It has been around the marketplace since 1974 but has made many improvements year after year. This make of bike has been around almost twenty years and in fact it is considered one of many super brands manufactured by BMX. As time passes, Mongoose bicycles are widely-used by MTB riders in a large amount competitions.  

If you are thinking of buying this type of bike you have to be wise enough and consider some factors. You ought to investigate before purchasing one. As a result you'll be aware the top form of bike fitting your riding needs. However, you will have to be careful if purchasing online as you will quickly realize there are lots of trusted online retailers and individuals selling unauthentic Mongoose bikes. Mongoose bikes are among the best in their field and you know that you will get a bike that will last you for a long time. I like the fact that I can get up in the morning and get my bike out and ride it for as long as I like. When I have finished I just wash it, clean it and put it away until I need it next, safe in the knowledge that my trusty bike is always there.
Before buying the a bike, be certain to undertake a test ride. In this way you can evaluate what your biking preference is. Furthermore, it is not enough to acquire a Mongoose bike as it is often your responsibility to understand its maintenance. Clearly purchasing this type of bike can be an investment and this is why you'll want to make certain that it will last a long time. This is why the minute you get your brand-new bicycle you could start familiarizing yourself with it.
In terms of maintenance, for those of us with no mechanical experience you may well just want to take your bike to a local shop, so you have the assurance that your bike is in tip top condition. However, if you feel comfortable with doing the maintenance yourself then why not give it a go. Some people like working with their hands and getting the satisfaction of knowing that you have done the work yourself while others simply want it maintained by a professional.

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Low Cost Materials Used for Mounting Digital Cameras

Getting a mini-digital camera close to the sporting action has become almost as important as the sport, itself. Many high-definition, (cameras that can record 1080 pixels per frame, or 1080p), sports video enthusiasts have devised a number of effective, low cost ways of getting their cameras into the action.
Often, it involves nothing more than a quick trip to the hardware store. Most mini-digital cameras have mounts that are close to standard PVC pipe sizes. This makes low-cost camera mounts much easier to devise.
The first challenge is to mount a vertical pole to a flat surface. Once again, the best place to look is in the plumbing department. Flanges that have screw holes are easy to find, and they are especially made to mount to a flat surface and receive a PVC pipe. Usually, the best size is one to one-and-a-half inches in diameter.
Once the vertical pole is mounted to the flat surface, the nest challenge is to mount the camera to the pole. If the camera mount is much smaller than the vertical PVC pipe, a reducer-coupler can be added to get the two holes to match in size. If the PVC pipe is close to the size of the camera mount, but not an exact match, duct tape can be wrapped around the pipe, or on the inside of the camera mount, to fill in the gaps. Sometimes epoxy glue works, as well, to help a close fit become an exact fit.
When mounting a camera to an improvised mounting device, some of the considerations are security, vibration, and view.
Security is important, because the cost of losing the camera is usually much higher than the cost of the mounting materials. Adding a lifeline to the camera, in case it falls off of the camera mount is highly recommended. Vibration is often the hardest factor to overcome. Most events that are recorded involve high-speed, jerky motion. The trick is to firmly secure the camera, and have it move along with the mounting surface. A tight fit is the best strategy to overcoming vibration.
Finally, the view that camera sees is an important consideration when devising a mount. The camera can be looking forward, looking backward at the participant, pointing down at the ground, over the shoulder, or in a number of various positions. The view that the participant is trying to achieve becomes a major factor in trying to achieve security, no vibration, and still have the intended view when everything is complete.
Camera mounts can be devised with very low cost. The trick is to achieve the preferred view while maintaining security and keeping vibration low.
There is a growing interest in the use of action sports cameras, such as the GoPro 1080p and similar devices having GoPro mounts that attach them to helmets and other sports equipment. John Meyers is a sports enthusiast who write articles on action cameras and features the action video of the week at