Thursday 30 August 2012

Internal Suit Sensors On Scientifically Engineered Sports Apparel Will Improve VR Training or Gaming

A few years ago, I was talking with a lead engineer scientist for an LED company about the use of LEDs on a suit to track movements of a human doing various activities, then an optical flow sensor would take those movements and the light streaks to help train AI computer systems to help model those movements. This has applications for animation cartooning, virtual reality training, and making movies in the future with non-available actors of the past. Okay, but it also has endless applications for sports training augmented reality systems, and for electronic gaming. Let's talk.
There was a great article produced in the late 80s by Donna Hood Crecca titled; "Physics on the Fairway" which discussed the perfect golfing swing, the aerodynamics of golf balls dimples, and the design of clubs, new materials, and the future of golf. It's worth reading. In that article were some interesting pictures of the USGA's biomechanical laboratory studying a pro-golfer's stance as he wore special bands at all of his major joints as he swung the golf club. All of this recorded by instruments and then visualized on computers - the latest CADCAM computers of the time.
Now then, in my dialogues with the former MIT graduate engineer working now at one of the top LED manufacturer lab, I suggested additional sensors inside the suit to measure specific pressure applied for use in robotics, androids, and robotic personal assistants, not to mention for physically challenged folks, exo-skeletons, and also entertainment; movies and animation. It might also help to train our Olympic athletes, cyclists, skiers, martial artists, etc.
We should very easily be able to create fifth-generation smart sports apparel which will remember every move, that coupled to artificial intelligence and uploaded through a USB port and you'd have one hell of a great technology with endless applications. Now then, you will not be able to patent any of this because my engineering friends working with some MIT grad students have already filed a patent, and they're hoping the movie industry will be using some of this technology that they are developing.
Nevertheless, if who wish to take all this to the next level, and I do believe that we should, there are applications in endless industries, including some future industries which haven't been created yet. Not to mention, the opportunities to unite the virtual world with the real one in totally new and unique ways. Indeed it is my hope that you will please consider all this and think on it. If you'd like to discuss this at a much higher intellectual level, then you may shoot me an e-mail.

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