Wednesday 25 July 2012

Street Fighting Lessons For Cheap

There are a variety of ways that you can learn how to defend yourself. You could spend a lot of money doing so, or you can go the cheap route and learn on your own time with many free resources. If you are looking for particular ways to help you learn how to be confident with your body, fight when attacked, and learn more about how your body works, then you are going to enjoy the following quick tips to learning how to fight in the streets.
Before we get into the quick notes, it is imperative for you to understand that learning how to defend yourself against enemies is not a matter of lethal force in any way. Many people forget that by defending yourself, you are protecting yourself from lethal engagements, and not vice versa. That being said, when you learn how to properly deal with problems, you are not learning how to fight to the death, but rather defend until further help arrives.
Free Videos - If you look online you will find a great variety of free websites that give you video. These videos are often times updated by people just like you, and they teach you step-by-step how to defend yourself. Whether you want to learn kung fu, street fighting, karate, or any other style, you can do so from point A to point Z with free online videos.
Penny Manuals - Much like the lore that is pushed through martial arts cinema, you can learn with books from long ago. At the writing of this article, there are a grand variety of books on self defense that are priced at a penny that can teach you all the things that any modern dojo can teach you, without having to pay for the high price of lessons. These old manuals have all the drawings, pages, and step-by-step instructions that will change the way you see the world. You will be able to learn for cheap, if you simply look at these manuals.
MMA Gyms - The last option is really something that has been catching on like wildfire. If you visit any major gym today, you will most likely see ads for MMA classes. These classes will not only teach you how to live a better life, but also learn how to defend yourself in violent situations. These classes are meant for aerobics, but they also are meant for those that want to learn self defense. They will make you sweat quite a bit, and they will teach you the basics that will keep you safe in dangerous situations.
The above tips are just basic, they are not meant to be the blueprint to making you a master of any martial art. However, if you want to learn, the above will help you get to a place where you either go hard or simply stay stagnant.
Sir Jorge writes about martial arts training, and more on his official blog.

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