Saturday 7 July 2012

Tennis As the Most Beneficial Sport for Your Child

As one of the oldest of all racquet sports and an Olympic event since the late 1800s, tennis is a popular sport that is recognized with a certain degree of prestige throughout the world. Since the beginning of the century with the year 2000, it has become the fastest growing sport with a pace that far exceeds any other popular sport.
As a sport that is easy to learn coupled with its many benefits to the human body, tennis is often highly recommended as the perfect sport for a child with over 36% of tennis participants being children from the ages of 6 to 17. Once learned, it is a fun and active sport that keeps the child interested and may even develop into a lifetime adventure of excitement and relaxation.
Health Benefits of Tennis for Children
Due to the aerobic nature of running and rapidly swinging the racket in a good game of tennis, it provides an excellent cardiovascular workout for your child and strengthens most of the muscles in their body. There is a consensus among healthcare professionals that playing tennis regularly is good for both physical and mental health. Because of this they encourage everyone to play tennis as long as they are in proper health that enables them to do so. For example, the Cleveland Clinic reports:
In fact, playing tennis on a regular basis produces physical, physiologic and psychologic benefits. These benefits include increased burning of calories, reduction in blood pressure and reduced stress. All of these benefits play a role in reducing a person's risk of developing heart disease, the number-one killing disease among men and women.
Tennis can also be crucial in developing excellent eye-hand coordination, responsive reflexes, mobility and flexibility, balance and coordination, and speed and agility It is a form of exercise that will keep your child in great shape through his or her young years and beyond into adulthood if he or she continues to play the game. Studies indicate that playing tennis can even help your child live a longer, healthier and happier life.
Introducing your child to tennis can also be instrumental in helping them adjust to a pattern of exercise in their life so that it becomes part of their lifelong routine. By playing tennis, they will develop a familiarity with exercise activity that can create a perception of working out as fun. Even if they do not continue with tennis as their sport of choice in latter years, it will have created a comfortable relationship with keeping fit as they encounter other sports or activities.
Other Advantages for Children Playing Tennis
Tennis is also a sport that is fun for both boys and girls since over 43% of those playing tennis are female. Its competitive nature allows your child to learn the proper way to deal with the competition of life in a friendly and courteous way with an understanding of fair play. They will learn to deal with personal achievement and loss that is based on both their own actions and teamwork with a partner in a mature and professional manner. This will prepare them for many of the situations they may encounter in other aspects of life. It will also build self-esteem and confidence in your child's character.
Playing tennis can also be a great source for peace, contentment, relaxation, and an overall sense of well-being for your child. A study conducted by Dr. Joan Finn at Southern California University found that tennis players exhibit more vigor, optimism, and self-esteem while experiencing less anger, depression, confusion, anxiety, and tension than other people.
As your child trains for tennis, they will discover how to listen and learn with the ability to apply what they have learned to real life activities and events. Playing tennis will also help your child increase their capacity to concentrate, focus, and think strategically, which will help them in both education and work related aspects of their life. Dr. Jim Gavin boasts the benefits of playing tennis by declaring:
Tennis develops positive personality characteristics. Tennis players had the highest scores in sociability, spontaneity, creativity, competitiveness, adventurousness, mental focus, and assertiveness when compared to golfers, runners, weightlifters, inline skaters, and downhill skiers.
With so many benefits and advantages for your child, it is not hard to figure out why tennis is growing so fast in popularity. And as a fun, exciting, and adventurous sport, your child will most likely perceive tennis as something positive in their life. You can feel good about knowing you are allowing your child to have fun while providing a beneficial gift to their personal development and well-being. The end result is a joyful child as well as a parent who can feel content that they have found an activity for their child that makes everybody happy.

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