Tuesday 17 July 2012

Junior Golf - Workouts

I would like to start out this article by saying that I am not a professional golfer, nor am I a certified trainer. I have a son that has played junior golf for several years, and I am just sharing my thoughts on what I have observed over the years.
I believe that if you have a junior golfer that wants to pursue golf as a sport in high school and college, getting them in a quality workout program is an absolute must. So many times, people think that all you have to do is get on the golf course to become a top notch player. While that is certainly true, I think you also need to have your junior golfer spend quality time in the workout room.
Each sport requires a specific type of workout plan. For example, a golfer is not going to lift weights, using the same workout program as a football player. Each sport is unique. Golf requires balance. Golf requires flexability. The golf swing requires a player to have strong "core muscles."
If you look online, I would highly recommend the TPI Program. It is a program specifically designed for golfers. My son participated in the program for several years, and I think he really benefited from it.
If your player is in high school, ask the coach if they have a scheduled off-season work-out program. Take a good look at it. Is it really a quality program? Some high schools offer excellent programs, while others just go through the motions. Some questions to ask: does the high school program take place in the off season, on a regular basis? Is there a specific program set-up for the golfers, or are they just going to the weight room and doing whatever they want to? Is the program consistent? In other words, are the students required to participate on set days of the week, or are they sessions easily cancelled?
If the answer to any of these questions is "no," then you might look at other options. Check-out your local hospitals. In many cases they have a sports performance program. These programs will cost you some money, but they are usually well worth the money. In some cases, you can reduce costs by putting your player in a small group, rather than paying for a personal session. These type of courses usually run about 8 weeks and have workout sessions for about 1-2 hours, three times a week.
I certainly believe that providing your junior golfer with a structured workout plan will give them a leg up on the competition. I sincerely hope this information helps.

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