Tuesday 10 July 2012

Looking to Attend the London 2012 Olympics? Then It's Advised to Apply for Your UK Visa Now

A number of UK Embassies across the world are urging the nations that they represent to apply now for their UK Visa if they are hoping to make it to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games. In a bid to deal with the expected influx of people set to arrive on British shores this summer, UK Immigration has already begun processing UK Visa applications to meet the increasing demand.
A number of UK Visa and Immigration service providers are also on hand to help people from all over the globe to complete their Olympic Visa applications. These services offer fantastic advice and guidance and can also take the stress out of having to apply for a Visa by yourself. The process of applying for a UK Visa can be daunting because of the amount of paperwork involved.
However, the earlier people apply; the better as leaving it to the latest minute could result in delays and even disappointment at not being able to obtain a UK Visa at all. For those attending the London Olympics in an official capacity, UK Immigration will issue these people with an Olympic Accreditation Card.
Official capacity status applies to accredited athletes, coaches, officials and the media and they will be accredited by the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG). The Olympic Accreditation Card will give the holder complete access to all Olympic and Paralympic venues and in the majority of cases, the card will serve as a 'free pass' to the UK. This will allow holders entry to the UK without a visa between 30th March 2012 and November 8th 2012.
People attending the UK Olympics as tourists will have to abide by UK Immigration laws. Therefore, standard procedures will still apply throughout the duration of the Olympic Games and the process for applying will be no different than applying at any other time.
For example, a person who has relatives in the UK that wish to sponsor their visit will still need to apply for a Family Visit Visa through the proper channels. It is important that you do your research when applying for your visa, in order to ensure that you have the right visa for you that will get you past border checks upon arriving in the UK.
People who do not have family members residing in the UK will need to apply for a General Visit Visa and UK Embassies across the world and the British High Commission is stating that when filling out an application, applicants should identify the purpose of their visit as a tourist coming for the Olympics.
For help and guidance UK Visa and Immigration services are on hand to assist. However, they do urge that people apply as soon as possible in order to avoid delays. Getting your application in early could see your Visa application processed within 15 days, so it's certainly beneficial to begin sooner rather than later.

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